Notice Type
Notice Title

Resident Withholding Tax on Interest

Reissued Certificates of Exemption for the Period 01/10/00 to 31/12/00
10034337 10108748 10534399 10609828 10701139
11599877 11952747 12121490 12917279 14082816
17045652 20332689 20787333 22046085 22963104
23114941 23671417 26993709 28154291 28258658
29232199 31488214 33271451 38347730 39080329
39302877 42758852 42847801 43036840 43432052
43774123 44764105 47447518 48194761 49015569
49783086 50190110 50356027 50907147 51770965
52004926 52460581 54008678 54995636 55006350
55026068 55051089 55102384 55125821 55165238
55183104 55271860 55384541 55399913 55416915
55431140 55468303 55506094 55511276 55524998
56665323 56922581 57822724 59353020 60157456
60858578 61599983 63012971 63495123 65610043
65932008 66582841 67150465 68503345 68789516
69853366 70365227 70591758 71740986 72209702
72351037 72421558