Notice Title

Justices of the Peace appointed, Geoffrey Langley Byars etc

Justices of the Peace Appointed Pursuant to section 3 (1) of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, Her Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint the following persons to be Justices of the Peace for New Zealand: Byars, Geoffrey Langley, 335 Windon Valley Road, R.D. 3, Gore. Davies, Robert Arthur, 43E London Road, Korokoro, Lower Hutt. Falck, Marea Gwenda, 7 Woodhouse Avenue, Karori, Wellington. Goodwin, Suzanne Katherine, 9 Papawai Place, Palmerston North. Harris, Paul David, 8 Loffhagen Drive, Waipara, North Canterbury. Harris, Shayne Francis, 18 Havelock Avenue, Palmerston North. Hosseini, Seyed Hassan, 50 Rimu Street, Auckland. Jokhan, Shashi, 19 Waverton Terrace, Churton Park, Wellington. Kung, Hardev Singh, 10 Halcione Close, Flagstaff, Hamilton. Marshall, Myra Rose, 81A Tidal Road, Mangere, Auckland. Martin, Jennifer Ann, 23 Whitemans Road, Kawakawa, Northland. Mauheni, Manahi Uranga, 27 Boyd Avenue, Onehunga, Auckland. McConnell, Angus Craig, 123 Mahoe Street, Hamilton. Meicklejohn, Jo Ann, 27 Harrison Street, Wanganui. Middlemiss, Philip Godfrey, 17 De Bloge Place, Christchurch. Minchinton, John, 18 Golf Avenue, Otahuhu, Auckland. Morley-Hall, Nicholas St John, 124 The Parade, Paekakariki, Wellington. Muller, Thomas, 65 Hepburn Road, Glendene, Auckland. Murphy, Stephen Paul, 12 Cottesmore Close, Burnside, Christchurch. Neville, Robert Allan, 5 Dolan Place, New Lynn, Auckland. Newton, Valerie Anne, 108/38 Golf Road, Titirangi, Auckland 1007. Nicol, Allison Margaret, 576 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington. Nisbet, John Allen, Mangakahia Road, R.D. 1, Kaikohe. Norfolk, Michael, 17 Elsthorpe Avenue, Gisborne. Peo, Peo Lafulafu, 221 Lincoln Road, Henderson. Poulson-Vick, Michelle Linda, 1 Ascot Avenue, Henderson. Powell, John Charles, 18 Marydale Drive, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Pryor, Lynda Frances, 16 Bern Road, Horotiu, R.D. 8, Hamilton. Pua, Maiava Lutovio, 34 Normandy Place, Henderson, Auckland. Puriri, Yvonne Jane, 48 Te Kamara Avenue, Paihia. Quirk, Anthony Percy, 5 Kim Crescent, Blenheim. Renouf, Margaret Lynne, 11 Thornley Street, Titahi Bay, Porirua. Roberts, Christine Margaret, 9 Matai Place, Oxford, North Canterbury. Roberts, Stephen John, 646 Horotiu Road, Hamilton. Rogers, Dudu Kaiora, 10 Greenwood Close, Woodend. Saggar, Surinder Kumar, 29 Kent Crescent, Palmerston North. Scott, Theresa Ruth, 59 Sunnyhills Avenue, Glenview, Hamilton. Sharma, Devendra Kumar, 6 McBurney Place, Mangere East, Auckland. Shearer, Brian Kenneth, 348 Muritai Road, Eastbourne, Wellington. Singh, Debral Sukhdavekaur, 30 Rushton Road, Morrinsville. Stace, Michael Vincent, 11 Kainui Road, Raumati South. Sycamore, Yvonne May, 16 Riverview Street, Putaruru. Taingahue, Thomas Hughie, 43 Happy Valley Road, Owhiro Bay, Wellington. Tevaga, Savelio, 35 Schofield Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Wihongi, Wallace, 62 Hillcrest Road, Kaikohe, Northland. Wilson, Kelly Russell, 2 Mile, R.D. 2, State Highway No. 6, Hokitika. Wyatt, Janice Helen, 3 Meanda Gardens, Sunnyhills, Pakuranga. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of April 2001. PAUL SWAIN, Associate Minister of Justice.