Notice Type
Notice Title

Childcare Assistance Amendment 2001

Pursuant to section 124 (1) (d) of the Social Security Act 1964, the Minister of Social Services and Employment establishes and approves the following Amendment to the Childcare Assistance Welfare Programme (as established and approved on 19 December 1998).
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of March 2001.
STEVE MAHAREY, Minister of Social Services and Employment.
A m e n d m e n t
1. Title-(1) This is the Childcare Assistance Amendment 2001.
(2) In this Amendment, the Childcare Assistance Welfare Programme is called "the programme".
2. Commencement-(1) Clause 6 of this Amendment comes into effect on 1 July 2001.
(2) The rest of this Amendment comes into effect on 1 April 2001.
3. Eligibility for Childcare Subsidy-Clause 8 (6) (a) of the programme is amended by inserting, after subparagraph (iv), the following subparagraph:
"(iva) a course of study at a Tertiary Institution or Secondary School; or"
4. Eligibility for OSCAR Subsidy-(1) Clause 11 (2) (b) of the programme is amended by adding the word "; or".
(2) Clause 11 (2) of the programme is amended by adding the following paragraphs:
"(c) is attending an employment related training course offered by a course provider accredited by the
New Zealand Qualifications Authority; or
(d) is attending a course of study at a Tertiary Institution or Secondary School."
5. Increasing rates of Childcare and OSCAR Subsidies-(1) Each provision of Schedule 1 of the Programme listed in the first column of Schedule 1 is amended by omitting every expression set out opposite to it in the second column, and substituting in each case the expression set out opposite to it in the third column.
(2) Each provision of Schedule 2 of the Programme listed in the first column of Schedule 2 is amended by omitting every expression set out opposite to it in the second column, and substituting in each case the expression set out opposite to it in the third column.
6. Amendments coming into effect 1 July 2001-(1) Clause 2 (1) of the programme is amended by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetic order, the following definitions:
"job seeker agreement has the meaning in section 88A of the Act"
"job seeker development activity has the meaning in section 88A of the Act"
(2) Clause 8 (6) (a) (iii) of the programme is amended by omitting the words "organised activities under section 111 or section 123B of the Act", and substituting the words "job seeker development activities pursuant to the person's job seeker agreement or section 123B of the Act"
(3) Clause 11 (2) of the programme is amended by omitting paragraph (b), and substituting the following paragraph:
"(b) is engaged in 1 or more job seeker development activities pursuant to the person's job seeker agreement or section 123B of the Act; or"
Schedule 1 Clause 1
Amended Expressions
$ Expressions Substituted
Clause 1 (a) 2.34 2.43
Clause 1 (b) 1.63 1.69
Clause 1 (c) 0.89 0.93
Clause 2 (a) 2.34 2.43
Clause 2 (b) 1.63 1.69
Clause 2 (c) 0.89 0.93
Clause 3 (a) 2.34 2.43
Clause 3 (b) 1.63 1.69
Clause 3 (c) 0.89 0.93
Schedule 2 Clause 2
Amended Expressions
$ Expressions Substituted
Clause 1 (a) 1.81 1.88
Clause 1 (b) 1.26 1.31
Clause 1 (c) 0.70 0.73
Clause 2 (a) 1.81 1.88
Clause 2 (b) 1.26 1.31
Clause 2 (c) 0.70 0.73
Clause 3 (a) 1.81 1.88
Clause 3 (b) 1.26 1.31
Clause 3 (c) 0.70 0.73
Explanatory Note:
This note is not part of the amendment, but is intended to explain their general effect.
This Amendment makes changes to the Childcare Assistance Welfare Programme under section 124 (1) (d) of the Social Security Act 1964. Most of the changes come into effect on 1 April 2001.
Clause 3 adds attendance at a Tertiary Institution or Secondary School to the definition of "activity" for the purposes of eligibility for the Childcare Subsidy.
Clause 4 adds attendance at an NZQA accredited employment related training course or a tertiary institution or secondary school to the definition of "activity" for the purposes of eligibility for the OSCAR Subsidy.
Clause 5 amends the rates of Childcare Subsidy and OSCAR Subsidy to take into account a CPI increase of 3.98%.
Clause 6 makes amendments to the programme consequential on the passage of the Social Security Amendment Act 2001. These come into effect on 1 July 2001.