Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of

Mortgaged Property
To the Registered Proprietor: Eve Mary Elworthy Rudkin, 95 Valley Road, Mt Eden, Auckland.
In the matter of section 104DD of the Property Law
Act 1952, and in the matter of memorandum of mortgage
No. B. 391405.3 (North Auckland Registry) from
Eve Mary Elworthy Rudkin (mortgagor) to Wylexen Limited (mortgagee):
Notice is given as follows:
1. On the 16th day of May 2001, Wylexen Limited, the mortgagee under the mortgage No. D. 391405.3, entered into possession of the mortgaged property
as described below.
2. The address of the mortgagee is care of Vallant Hooker & Partners, Barristers & Solicitors, Upper Level, 19 Blake Street (P.O. Box 47-088 or
D.X. C.P. 30-015), Ponsonby, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 360 0321. Facsimile: (09) 360 9291.
3. The description of the mortgaged property is
98 Symonds Street, Auckland.
Dated at Auckland this 16th day of May 2001.
Wylexen Limited, by its duly authorised agent and solicitor: