Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of the Property at 138 Universal Drive, Henderson

Pursuant to Section 104DD of the Property Law Act 1952
Southern Cross Building Society, at First Floor, Southern Cross Building, corner of Victoria and Queen Streets, Auckland, being the mortgagee pursuant to memorandum of mortgage No. C. 940022.3, hereby gives notice that on or about the 2nd day of May 2001, it took possession of the property owned by Koki Brunt and Anita Bella Brunt at 138 Universal Drive, Henderson, being the property comprised in certificate of title 48B/700 (North Auckland Land Registry), and in addition will now receive rentals payable in respect thereof.
Communications relating to the mortgaged property may be forwarded to Tetley-Jones Thom Sexton, Solicitors, P.O. Box 111, Auckland, for the attention of C. H. D. Kraayvanger.
Dated this 2nd day of May 2001.
Southern Cross Building Society by its solicitors Tetley-Jones Thom Sexton, per: