Notice Title

The Boardroom Trust (in liquidation)

Publication Date
8 Mar 2001


Charitable Trusts Act Appointment of liquidators

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Principal Edition, 8 March 2001.
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Notice of Appointment of Liquidator
The Charitable Trusts Act 1957
On the 15th day of February 2001, it was resolved by the board, pursuant to section 24 (1) of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, that The Boardroom Trust be liquidated and that Bevan George Smith, chartered accountant of Christchurch, be appointed liquidator for the purpose.
The liquidation commenced on the 20th day of February 2001.
Creditors may direct inquiries to me during normal business hours at the address and telephone number stated below.
Dated this 22nd day of February 2001.
B. G. SMITH, Liquidator.
Address of Liquidator: P.O. Box 13-457, Christchurch. Telephone: (03) 365 1071. Facsimile: (03) 366 6319.