of Logs
Pursuant to Regulation 16A (1) (f) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, and pursuant to powers sub-delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport Safety, I, Peter Waring, Principal Engineer, hereby determine that certification of the design, manufacture and installation of bolster attachments on trucks and trailers used for the transport of logs is required for new vehicles and for existing vehicles being equipped with bolsters for the first time, in compliance with the revised Bolster Attachment Code of Practice specified in Schedule 1, from the date specified in Schedule 2. This notice replaces the requirements for bolster attachment certification for new logging trucks and trailers published in the New Zealand Gazette, 27 May 1999.
The requirement for bolster attachments on existing vehicles to be in compliance with the Bolster Attachment Code of Practice (issue 27 November 1998) by 1 April 2001, published in the New Zealand Gazette, June 10 1999, is hereby revoked. This revocation is conditional. Bolster attachments and load retention devices on existing vehicles and on new vehicles whose bolster attachments are exempted by notice in the New Zealand Gazette from compliance with any version of the Bolster Attachment Code, must be in compliance with the requirements specified in Schedule 3. Bolster attachments certified to be in compliance with the Bolster Attachment Code (issue
27 November 1998) are deemed to be in compliance with the Bolster Attachment Code (issue 1 May 2001).
Bolster attachments on vehicles fitted with convertible bolsters for the carriage of long logs must comply with the Bolster Attachment Code (issue May 1 2001), unless certified by a manufacturer of logging vehicles who is also a manufacturing certifier, or by a Bolster Attachment Code certifying engineer, to be in accordance with the conditions of Schedule 4.
Schedule 1
Bolster Attachment Code (issue 1 May 2001) issued on behalf of the Log Transport Safety Committee.
Schedule 2
1 May 2001.
Schedule 3
(a) Logging trailers equipped with load cells supporting the attachment of the bolster to the vehicle chassis:
One additional safety chain of 6 tonnes breaking strength (rated strength) per bolster must be applied over the load, attached to certified anchorages on the chassis, in addition to the safety chain attached to each bolster in accordance with normal industry practice. This requirement is a continuation of the instruction issued by the Land Transport Safety Authority in its Factsheet dated 31 July 1997. When belly chains are required by the Truck Loading Code, the above additional safety chain is still required.
(b) All logging vehicles:
Bolsters and their attachments on all logging vehicles are to be subjected to a more detailed inspection for ongoing security as part of the requirements for these vehicles to be issued with a Certificate of Fitness (CoF). Details will be issued in a revision to the Heavy Vehicle Safety Inspection Guide and the inspection criteria will be applied at the first Certificate of Fitness inspection for each vehicle subsequent to 1 November 2001.
Schedule 4
Bolster attachments for long log logging vehicles fitted with convertible bolsters are exempted from compliance with a version of the Bolster Attachment Code, provided that the manufacturer (who must also be a manufacturing certifier) or a Bolster Attachment Code certifying engineer has evidence available for audit by the Land Transport Safety Authority that the particular design of the bolster attachments has successfully completed, on a single
vehicle, 250,000 kilometres of service without any indication of cracking due to fatigue or other significant failure. A certificate to this effect must be presented to the Transport Service Delivery Agent at the time of first presentation of the vehicle for registration.
Signed at Wellington this 23rd day of April 2001.
P. WARING, acting under authority sub-delegated to me by way of an instrument of delegation dated 1 March 1999.