Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Land Declared and Set Apart for Limited Access Road, Land Declared and Set Apart for Segregation Strip, Severance Taken, Road Stopped and Set Apart for Segregation Strip, and Road Stopped-State Highway No. 1, Pokeno,

Franklin District
Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand:
(a) Pursuant to section 114, declares:
(i) The land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be limited access road which, pursuant to section 88 (2) of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway and shall vest in the Crown on the date of publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
(ii) The land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be segregation strip and shall vest in the Crown.
(b) Pursuant to section 52 (1), declares:
(i) The land described in the Third Schedule to
this notice is set apart for limited access road
which, pursuant to section 88 (2) of the Transit
New Zealand Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway and shall vest in the Crown.
(ii) The land described in the Fourth Schedule to this notice is set apart for segregation strip and shall vest in the Crown.
(c) Pursuant to section 119 (1), declares the land described in the Fifth Schedule to this notice to be taken and shall vest in the Crown.
(d) Pursuant to sections 116 (1) and 52 (1), declares the land described in the Sixth Schedule to this notice to be stopped and set apart for segregation strip and remain vested in the Crown.
(e) Pursuant to section 116 (1), declares the land described in the Seventh Schedule to this notice to be stopped and remain vested in the Crown
North Auckland Land District-Franklin District Council
First Schedule
Land Declared Limited Access Road
m2 Being
2655 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028 (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "R" on S.O. Plan 69385.
1349 Part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "V" on S.O. Plan 69386.
138 Part Allotment 262, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "W" on S.O. Plan 69386.
Second Schedule
Land Declared Segregation Strip
m2 Being
2 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028 (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "S" on S.O. Plan 69385.
5 Part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "U" on S.O. Plan 69386.
1 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028 (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "N" on S.O. Plan 69386.
1 Part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "O" on S.O. Plan 69386.
1 Part Allotment 262, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "P" on S.O. Plan 69386.
1 Part Allotment 261, Town of Pokeno (part
C.T. 19B/806); marked "Z" on S.O. Plan 69386.
9 Part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "A" on S.O. Plan 69386.
Third Schedule
Land Set Apart for Limited Access Road
m2 Being
931 Part Allotment 87, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. B. 202720.1); marked "B" on S.O. Plan 69385.
4592 Part Allotment 88, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. C. 067784.1); marked "E" on S.O. Plan 69385.
4677 Part Allotment 115, Settlement of Pokeno, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. A. 289735); marked "B" on S.O. Plan 62220.
1857 Part Allotment 122, Settlement of Pokeno, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. 289735); marked "H" on S.O. Plan 62221.
Fourth Schedule
Land Set Apart for Segregation Strip
m2 Being
8 Part Allotment 87, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. B. 202720.1); marked "C" on S.O. Plan 69385.
9 Part Allotment 88, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. C. 067784.1); marked "D" on S.O. Plan 69385.
8 Part Allotment 115, Settlement of Pokeno, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. A. 289735); marked "D" on S.O. Plan 62220.
39 Part Allotment 122, Settlement of Pokeno, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri (part G.N. A. 289735); marked "J" on S.O. Plan 62221.
Fifth Schedule
m2 Being
558 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028 (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "T" on S.O. Plan 69385.
45 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028 (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "M" on S.O. Plan 69386.
66 Part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "T" on S.O. Plan 69386.
1 Part Allotment 300, Suburbs of Pokeno (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "R" on S.O. Plan 69386.
5 Part Allotment 262, Mangatawhiri Parish (part C.T. 19B/806); marked "Q" on S.O. Plan 69386.
Sixth Schedule
Road to be Stopped and Set Apart for Segregation Strip
m2 Adjoining
43 Part Allotments 115 and 122, Mangatawhiri Parish (part G.N. A. 289735) Stopped Road
(G.N. B. 743302.1) and part Allotments 85 and 86, Suburban Section 1, Mangatawhiri Parish (G.N. B. 202720.1); marked "A" on S.O. Plan 69384.
6 Section 1, S.O. 67899 (G.N. C. 886331.2); marked "B" on S.O. Plan 69384.
1 Public Road, part Lot 1, D.P. 20028, part Allotment 89, Suburban Section 1, Parish of Mangatawhiri; marked "Q1" on S.O. Plan 69385.
2 Part Allotment 262, Mangatawhiri Parish; marked "EE" on S.O. Plan 69386.
2 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028, part Allotment 261, Town of Pokeno; marked "S" on S.O. Plan 69386.
15 Section 1, S.O. 62221 and Stopped Road; marked "L" on S.O. Plan 62221.
Seventh Schedule
Road to be Stopped
m2 Adjoining
906 Part Lot 1, D.P. 20028, part Allotment 89, Suburban Section 1, Mangatawhiri Parish and part Allotment 14, Mangatawhiri Parish; marked "Q" on S.O. Plan 69385.
842 Part Allotments 14 and 262, Mangatawhiri Parish, part Lot 1, D.P. 20028, part Allotment 300, Suburbs of Pokeno and part Allotment 261, Town of Pokeno; marked "FF" on S.O. Plan 69386.
Dated at Wellington this 24th day of October 2000.
R. A. JOLLY, for Minister of Lands by the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/99/3121/A)