of a Reserve
Under section 8 (1A) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator of the Canterbury Conservancy declares that the conservation areas described in the First Schedule shall be included in the scientific reserve described in the Second Schedule, and subject to the Reserves Act 1977.
Canterbury Land District-Mackenzie District
First Schedule
1.6648 hectares, being Section 2, S.O. 19914. All
New Zealand Gazette, 3 August 2000, No. 86, page 2096.
3.8262 hectares, being Section 3, S.O. 19914. All
New Zealand Gazette, 3 August 2000, No. 86, page 2096.
Second Schedule
30.1850 hectares, being Rural Section 41843. All
New Zealand Gazette, 5 September 1996, No. 106, page 2754, New Zealand Gazette, 3 October 1996, No. 139, page 3356 and New Zealand Gazette, 24 October 1996, No. 155, page 4118.
Dated at Christchurch this 10th day of September 2000.
M. J. CUDDIHY, Conservator, Canterbury Conservancy.
(DOC D.O. PTR104)