Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Change of Classification of Part of a Reserve-Coulter Road Reserve

Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Community Relations Manager for the Bay of Plenty Conservancy of the Department of Conservation hereby changes the classification of that part of the recreation reserve described in the Schedule hereto from recreation reserve to local purpose (pre-school education) reserve, subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act.
South Auckland Land District-Rotorua District
529 square metres, more or less, being Section 1, S.O. Plan 60379, and being part Lot 37, D.P. S. 3067. Part certificate of title 68C/643.
Dated at Rotorua this 12th day of June 2000.
SUSAN ANNE CAMPBELL, Community Relations Manager, Bay of Plenty Conservancy, Department of Conservation.
(DOC File: C.O. RRN 271)