Education Purposes
Pursuant to Section 5A of the Education Lands Act 1949 and pursuant to authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 25 May 2000.
ha Being
0.5756 More or less, being Section 1, Survey Office Plan 70034. All certificate of title 128C/516, North Auckland Land Registration District.
0.0723 More or less, situated in Block II, Maketu Survey District, being Lot 27 on Deposited Plan S. 17209. All certificate of title 52A/319, South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.1529 More or less, being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 88429. All certificate of title 55D/567, Wellington Land Registration District.
1.8330 More or less, being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 13822, situated in Block VI, Invercargill Hundred. All certificate of title 11A/892, Southland Land Registration District.
0.9415 More or less, being Lot 2, Deposited Plan 20505. All certificate of title L2/121, Taranki Land Registration District.
0.0988 More or less, being Lot 1, Deposited Plan 15354. All certificate of title 12B/172, Southland Land Registration District.
2.1297 More or less, being Section 9, Block XXIII, Invercargill Hundred. All certificate of title 12B/164, Southland Land Registration District.
0.6405 More or less, situate in Block V, Paritutu Survey District, being Section 2 on Survey Office Plan 13319. Part certificate of title J3/454, Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.0934 More or less, situated in the Town of Waverly, bring Lot 3, D.P. 44977. Formerly all the
land described in certificate of title 17A/512, Wellington Land Registration District.
New Zealand Gazette, 4 August 1977, No. 83, page 2137.
0.4502 More or less, being Lots 1, 2, 3, 25 and 26, Block V, Deposited Plan 79A, part of Section 247 McKenzie District, Granted October 24 by the Superintendent of Otago. All certificate of title 45/244, Southland Land Registration District.
0.8093 More or less, being Lot 1 on plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Invercargill as
No. 3573, being part of Section 247, Block LVIII, Hokonui District. All certificate of title 154/74, Southland Land Registration District.
0.1315 More or less, being Lot 20 and part Lot 21, Block V, D.P. 79A, being part Section 247, situated in Block LVIII, Hokonui Survey District. As the same area more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 3596 (S.O. 6859) deposited in the office of
the Minister of Works at Wellington and
thereon coloured blue. New Zealand Gazette,
7 September 1961, No. 56, page 1372.
1.4017 More or less, being situated in Block XVI of the Spaxton Survey District being part of Lot 3 on Deposited Plan in the Land Registry Office at Christchurch as No. 5591, part of Rural Section 28620. All certificate of title 437/42, Canterbury Land Registration District.
1.0243 More or less, being situated in Block XVI of the Spaxton Survey District being part Rural Section 28620 and part Rural Section 30844. All certificate of title 129/95, Canterbury Land Registration District.
0.1156 More or less being Reserve 4583 (formerly
part of Section 3A, Grange Settlement) Block XVI, Spaxton Survey District, SO Plan 8055s. Part New Zealand Gazette, 6 July 1950, No. 43, page 865.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of May 2000.
P. D. BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education