Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Vesting Stopped Road in the Rodney District

Pursuant to section 117 (3) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, Stephen Robert Gilbert, Land Information New Zealand, declares that the portion of stopped road firstly described in the Schedule to this notice shall be amalgamated with the land in certificate of title 117B/169, and the portions of stopped road secondly and thirdly described in the Schedule to this notice shall be amalgamated with certificate of title 1390/91.
North Auckland Land District
m2 Being
6730 Section 1, S.O. Plan 69201.
(18.4p) Section 2, S.O. Plan 41485.
(3r20.3p) Section 3, S.O. Plan 41485.
Dated at Christchurch this 3rd day of March 2000.
S. R. GILBERT, for Minister of Lands by the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/98/1028)