Notice Title

Auckland Performing Arts Competition Society Incorporated (in liquidation)

Publication Date
15 Jun 2000


Incorporated Societies Act Appointment of liquidators

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Principal Edition, 15 June 2000.
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Notice of Appointment of Liquidator
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 24 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, the members of the above-named society on the 25th day of May 2000, resolved that the principal purpose of the society having been fulfilled and the chairman being satisfied all obligations have been met, it should be wound up.
Warren George Cant, chartered accountant of Auckland, was appointed as liquidator.
The property of the society, subject to the payment of its liabilities and costs of winding up, will be transferred, in such proportions as the committee of the society determines, to other performing arts societies.
These organisations are associations which have substantially the same objects as the society.
Any creditors or members may direct inquiries to the liquidator during normal business hours at the address and telephone number below.
Address for Service: Bendall & Cant, P.O. Box 3015, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 309 2040. Facsimile: (09) 366 0326.