Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Food Standards

The Australia New Zealand Food Authority advises progress on the following matters relating to food standards.
You can get further information on each of these matters (including advice on the authority's policy regarding submissions, where applicable) from the ANZFA website or from:
The Office Administrator
Australia New Zealand Food Authority
P.O. Box 10-559
The Terrace
Telephone: (04) 473 9942
Facsimile: (04) 473 9855
Call for Submissions-Matters at Inquiry
The authority will conduct inquiries into the draft variations to standards prepared at full assessment of the following applications relating to genetically modified foods.
You are invited to present written submissions to the authority, including the potential regulatory impact on consumers, industry and government, by Wednesday
30 August 2000:
o Application (A346)-Food derived from insect-protected corn.
o Application (A355)-Food derived from glyphosate-tolerant cotton.
o Application (A362)-Food derived from glyphosate-tolerant corn.
o Application (A363)-Food derived from glyphosate-tolerant canola line.
o Application (A387)-Food derived from high oleic acid soybean.