Notice Title

Radiocommunications (Radio) Regulations (General Licence for Specified Search and Rescue Transceivers on 123.1 MHz) Notice 2000

Pursuant to Regulation 13 of the Radiocommunications (Radio) Regulations 1993, and acting under delegated authority from the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Economic Development, I give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Short title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Radiocommunications (Radio) Regulations (General Licence for Specified Search and Rescue Transceivers on 123.1 MHz) Notice 2000.
(2) This notice comes into force on 28 September 2000.
2. General Licence-A licence under Regulation 13 of the Radiocommunications (Radio) Regulations 1993 is hereby granted for the installation, operation, and use of specified search and rescue transceivers.
3. Terms, conditions, and restrictions-(1) This licence applies only to radio apparatus for which a declaration of conformity to the technical conditions specified in clause 3 (2) of this Notice has been submitted to the Chief Executive under Regulation 43 of the Radiocommunications (Radio) Regulations 1993.
(2) The technical conditions relating to this licence are those specified in section 3 of the joint Australian/New Zealand standard AS/NZS 4330:1995, except where those technical conditions are superseded by the technical conditions specified in the Schedule to this licence.
(3) Under this licence, radio apparatus can only be used in a situation of actual search and rescue operation.
4. Period of validity of notice-This notice expires on
31 January 2004.
Technical Conditions
Frequency: 123.100 MHz
Carrier Frequency Tolerance:
+ 3kHz
Occupied Bandwidth: Shall not exceed 16 kHz
Maximum Power: 100mW e.i.r.p.
Spurious Emissions: Must not exceed 75 dBuV/m measured 10m from the antenna and 1.75m above the horizontal plane (-40dBW e.i.r.p.)
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of September 2000.
KATHARINE MOODY, Manager, Radio Spectrum Management, Ministry of Economic Development.
Explanatory Note:
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice prescribes that, pursuant to Regulation 13 of the Radiocommunication (Radio) Regulations 1993, a general licence is granted in respect of the installation, operation and use of radio apparatus meeting the operational requirements for search and rescue activities and the technical requirements laid down in the notice.