Notice Type
Notice Title

Amendment to the Constitution of Council of Hutt Valley Polytechnic

Pursuant to section 170 of the Education Act 1989, the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education) hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. This notice may be cited as the Constitution of Hutt Valley Polytechnic Notice 2000.
2. This notice shall come into force the day after its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
3. The Hutt Valley Polytechnic Council shall be constituted as follows:
(a) Four persons appointed by the Minister of Education;
(b) The Chief Executive Officer of Hutt Valley Polytechnic;
(c) One permanent member of the academic staff of Hutt Valley Polytechnic elected by the permanent members of that staff;
(d) One permanent member of the general staff of Hutt Valley Polytechnic elected by the permanent members of that staff;
(e) One member who is a student of Hutt Valley Polytechnic appointed by the governing body of the Students' Association;
(f) One member appointed by the Hutt Valley Polytechnic Council after consultation with the
NZ Employers' Federation Inc;
(g) One member appointed by the Hutt Valley Polytechnic Council after consultation with the
NZ Council of Trade Unions;
(h) Two or three members co-opted by Hutt Valley Polytechnic Council (and who are not employees of Hutt Valley Polytechnic), to ensure specified requirements for competencies, knowledge and experience are covered on the Council.
4. The term of office of members of the Council, vacation of office, disclosure of members' interest and casual vacancies are covered in Sections 173 to 176 of the Education Act 1989.
5. Subject to section 173 of the Education Act 1989, the term of office for any member, other than the Chief Executive Officer, shall be four years. A member of council, other than the chief executive, may serve for a maximum of three terms.
6. The Hutt Valley Polytechnic Notice 1990 appearing in the New Zealand Gazette (20 September 1990, No. 164, at pages 3428 and 3429) is hereby revoked.
Dated at Wellington this 16th day of July 2000.
STEVE MAHAREY, Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education).