Notice Type
Notice Title

Ministerial Direction to the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (Non-Specific Output Funding Amendment) Notice 2000

To: The Foundation for Research, Science and Technology ("the foundation").
Under Section 8A of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology Act 1990, the foundation is hereby directed to allocate funds in accordance with the Non-Specific Output Funding Scheme ("the Scheme") as amended in this notice.
This notice amends the original notice that was Gazetted on 17 August 1995 ("the original notice").
This notice takes effect on 1 July 2000.
Non-Specific Output Funding Scheme Amendment
The original notice is amended by omitting the text "Public Good Science Fund (PGSF)" and "PGSF" and substituting the text:
"following output classes:
- Environmental Research;
- New Economy Research Fund;
- Research for Industry;
- Health Research;
- Social Research;
- Maori Knowledge and Development Research; and
- NSOF".
Dated at Wellington this 10th day of May 2000.
PETE HODGSON, Minister of Research, Science and Technology.