Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Amendment to the Ministerial Direction to the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (Non Specific Output Funding) Notice 1994 Published in the New Zealand Gazette on

17 August 1995
This Notice of Amendment is issued pursuant to section 8A (2) of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology Act 1990.
It amends the Ministerial Direction to the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (Non Specific Output Funding) Notice 1995 published in the New Zealand Gazette on 17 August 1995, No. 81, page 2236 ("the Original NSOF Notice").
The Original NSOF remains in full force and effect.
Government policy: Genetic Modification Moratorium
Government will be negotiating a voluntary moratorium on all applications for release and (with limited exceptions) field testing of genetically modified organisms ("the moratorium").
Annex 1 contains the terms of the moratorium.
It is Government policy that all publicly funded research must comply with the terms of the moratorium.
I hereby direct the Foundation that; from the date of this Notice, all existing and new contracts that:
(a) are funded from Vote RS&T; and
(b) the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology enters into pursuant to the Original NSOF Notice;
must require the provider to comply with the terms and process of the moratorium.
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of April 2000.
PETE HODGSON, Minister of Research, Science and Technology.