Notice Title

Resident Withholding Tax on Interest

Cancelled certificates of exemption for the period 01/10/99 to 31/12/99
10239869 10943043 13343578 13814708 18021269
20360127 24507661 26647967 28073682 33765695
39421505 45240401 47831717 48224997 49725373
50376214 51409183 51425308 51600223 51854942
52121752 52502500 53600352 53619592 53838847
55028060 55278385 55360847 55362084 55487391
55844046 55870394 56353895 57150815 57150823
58825093 62099631 62732393 62748949 64769499
65331519 67220021 67930924 68442974 68572657
68608198 68988713 69127436 69565360 70120380
71008525 72694260 72786459 72814606 72913434