Notice Title

Amendment to Notice-Appointment of Temporary Commissioner for Oruawharo School

Pursuant to section 109 (3) of the Education Act 1989, and section 12 of the Interpretation Act 1999, and a power delegated to me, and due to the extended absence of the Commissioner for an additional period of 1 month, I,
Kathy Phillips, Senior Manager, National Operations, Ministry of Education, hereby amend paragraphs (c) and (e) of the New Zealand Gazette notice of 23 March 2000,
No. 28, page 655, of the above-mentioned notice by omitting these paragraphs and substituting new paragraphs (c) and (d) to read as follows:
(c) Terminate the appointment of Murray David Billington as Commissioner, as from 31 May 2000; and
(d) Reappoint Don Sinclair as Commissioner, as from
1 June 2000.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of March 2000.
KATHY PHILLIPS, Senior Manager, National Operations.