Notice Type
Notice Title

Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988

Completion of Review: Plasterboard from Thailand
Pursuant to section 14 (8) of the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988 ("the Act"), and under delegated authority from the Secretary of Commerce, having carried out a review of the imposition of anti-dumping duty in respect of imports into New Zealand of plasterboard from Thailand, I hereby give notice that the review has been completed.
Notice of the initiation of the review was published on page 3380 of the New Zealand Gazette of 7 October 1999.
A copy of the non-confidential version of the final report which contains details of the review and the conclusions reached, is available from the Trade Remedies Group, Competition & Enterprise Branch, Ministry of Economic Development, P.O. Box 1473, Wellington.
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of March 2000.
R. M. MCLEOD, Manager, Trade Remedies Group.