Notice Type
Notice Title


Renewal of Provisional Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine
In the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette,
27 January 2000, Issue No. 7, page 180, notice No. 649 for Vesanoid capsule add between lines 10 and 11 Condition: The medicine may only be prescribed by: (a) medical practitioners who are vocationally registered under the Medical Practitioners Act 1995 in the branch of internal medicine and/or pathology; and (b) medical practitioners employed as registrars in internal medicine and/or pathology who are under the supervision of persons of the kind referred to in paragraph (a) above.
Dated this 8th day of March 2000.
G. R. BOYD, Chief Advisor, Safety and Regulation, pursuant to delegation given by the Minister of Health on the 20th day of February 1997.