Notice Title

Declaration of Revocation of Dissolution of Incorporated Societies

Section 26 (3) of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
I, Dorine Mario Gaiqui, an Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies at Auckland, solemnly and sincerely declare that I am satisfied that the Declaration of Dissolution for the following Hamilton Charitable Trusts listed below were made in error and accordingly it is revoked from the date of this declaration:
'Upokorehe Te Ahi-Ka Roa' Trust.
3D2 Charitable Trust.
All Terrain Trust.
Ambassadors for Christ in New Zealand.
Baptist World Mission of New Zealand.
Bay of Plenty Aids Support Trust.
Beeville Trust Board.
Bethowr Trust.
Braemore Charitable Training Trust.
Cambridge Aotearoa Charitable Trust.
Cambridge Jaycee Xl Charitable Trust.
Child Safety and Education Trust.
Christian Charitable Trust.
Christian Lovelink (Morrinsville).
Christian Lovelink (Whakatane) Incorporated
Church of God - New Zealand.
Common Knowledge.
Community Fellowships Incorporated.
Counties Touch Academy Trust.
Downtown Ministries Trust.
Family Abuse Intervention Team (North Taranaki) Trust.
Federation of Maori Growers (Bay of Plenty) Trust.
Fountain City Christian Charities.
Glover Road Development Trust.
Great Lake Centre Endowment Trust.
Great Lake Cycle Challenge Trust.
Hanatoria Marae Charitable Trust.
Haumia & Maria Edwards Trust.
Hauraki Heritage Trust.
Hoturoa No. 2 Trust Board.
Huimai Whanau Trust.
I Te Oro O Nga Tupuna Charitable Trust.
Inglewood Youth Alive.
Janet Hurae Social Services Trust.
Jesus to The Communist World in New Zealand.
Josiah Ministries Incorporated.
Kaimahiora Trust.
Life Health & Development Programme.
Lynmar Charitable Trust.
Mangakahu Valley Works Trust.
Matamata Union-Parish Community Trust.
Maunganui Te Kura Reo Trust.
Mauri Taiaho.
Mercury Bay Community Child Care and Learning Centre.
Midlands Huntingtons Trust.
Morrinsville Child Care Centre Trust.
Neathrow Education and Training Services Trust.
New Life Christian Fellowship Community Trust.
New Plymouth Emergency Shelter Trust Board.
New Zealand Education and Enterprise Trust.
New Zealand Educational Exchange Trust.
New Zealand Organisation for Moral Education Trust.
Nga Hapu Katoa Marae Trust Board.
Nga Raiti O Te Taaone.
Nga Tama Tu Ora Trust.
Nga Tangata O Tauranga Trust.
Ngahihi Pono Trust.
Ngati Awa Trust.
North Taranaki After Care Society.
North Taranaki District Community Development Trust.
Oceania Geographic and Cultural Foundation.
Okato Development Trust.
Okiwa Work Trust.
Opunake Christian Fellowship Trust Board.
Patetonga Memorial Church Trust Board.
Planet (NZ) Bay of Plenty Trust.
Pleasant Heights Baptist Church.
Practical Art Centre Trust.
Puawai Education Training Authority Charitable Trust.
Puawaitanga Promotions Trust.
Rangitaiki Home Care Service Trust.
Rautahi Multicultural Youth Trust of Kawerau.
Reid Avenue Hawera Hall Trust Board.
ROCC Fellowship Charitable Trust.
Rotorua New Life Fellowship Trust.
Ruscon Home Trust.
Saffron Healing Centre Trust.
Samoan Methodist Church Hamilton.
South Waikato Kokiri Trust.
Sozo Ministries Trust.
St Francis De Sales News Media Trust.
Supportive Ministries.
Takiri Mai Te Ata Trust.
Tamariki Educational Trust.
Taranaki Alpha Foundation Social Services Trust.
Taranaki Community Facilities Trust.
Taranaki Hospice Foundation.
Taupo Trade Aid Trust.
Tauranga El Shaddai Trust.
Tauranga Samoan Assembly of God Trust Board.
Tautoko Whanau Trust.
Te Ahumairangi O-Te Ora Trust.
Te Awamutu College (Rogers) Charitable Trust.
Te Hokinga Mai Cultural Development Trust.
Te Ihi Whanau Trust.
Te Kauwhata Churches Community Trust.
Te Maunga Kawakawa O Te Ora Trust.
Te Maunga Korero O Taranaki.
Te Paamu Kokako Trust.
Te Puke Area Sports Foundation.
Te Rea Puaawai Trust.
Te Rohe Potae O Rereahu - Maniapoto Charitable Trust.
Te Roopu Awhina Education Trust.
Te Roopu Whiringa Ako Trust.
Te Taharangi O Te Ora Trust.
Te Whanau O Tokoroa.
Te Whare Punanga Korero Trust (Incorporated).
Te-Iwi-O-Taranaki Poari Mahi Employment Board Trust.
Thames Branch of The New Zealand Save the Children Fund.
The Driver Education Centre of New Zealand.
The Hamilton Family Trust.
The Network Charitable Trust - South Waikato.
The New Plymouth Y Community Stadium Trust.
The North Taranaki Neighbourhood Support Trust.
The Open Door Trust Board.
The Primitive Methodists.
Wesleyan Methodists and Church of England Trust Board.
The Waikato Education Foundation Trust.
The Waikato Foundation Trust.
Ti Kao Whanau Trust.
Tokoroa Pacific Island Community Trust.
Tuwharetoa Te Atua Reretahi Trust Board.
Waitara Memorial Village Trust.
Whaka-Ara - Ara Working Trust.
Whanui Kaumatua Pakeke Charitable Trust.
White Dove Trust.
Waitara Community Health Trust.
Awa FM Trust Board (Incorporated).
Awhina O Nga Rangatahi Iwi Charitable Trust.
Hamilton Church of Christ (Life & Advent) Trust.
Mangakino Community Agency Trust.
Matamata Assembly of God.
Matthew Trust.
New Testament Church of God Trust Board.
Ngati Hokopu Trust.
Pukeiti Trust Board.
Rora Valley Arts Trust.
Schizophrenia Fellowship (N.Z.) Tauranga Branch Incorporated.
Streams Ministries Australasia.
Tainui Games Trust.
Te Kaha O Te Rangatahi Incorporated.
Te Runanganui O Tapuika Me Waitaha Trust.
The Athena Trust.
The Barbara Baigent Yasawa Trust Incorporated.
The Hamilton Tongan Assembly of God Trust Board.
The Huatoki Community Centre.
The Manna Healing Centre Trust.
The Recuperation Charitable Trust.
The Taranaki Lions Youth Symphonic Band.
The Waitara Towards 2000 Community Charitable Trust.
Working With Young People (WWYP) Charitable Trust.
Manakitanga Work Trust.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and virtue of the Oaths and Declaration Act 1957.
Declared at Auckland this 27th day of June 2000.