In Bankruptcy
The following persons were adjudicated bankrupt on the dates below:
13 December 1999
Carter, Brenda Joy, self-employed and Truman, William Robert, salesman of 8 Ngaio Lane, Charteris Bay (previously trading in partnership as Business & Legal Services).
23 December 1999
Hart, Grahame Macdonald of 1/251D Kilmore Street, Christchurch (previously trading as The Herb Centre).
7 January 2000
Kirby, Karen Anne (also known as Meates), housewife of 12 Baldoyle Way, Christchurch.
Summerfield, Antoni Neil, manager of 66A Dunedin Street, Christchurch.
New Zealand Insolvency and Trustee Service, Private Bag 4714, Christchurch. Telephone: (03) 371 7070. Facsimile: (03) 371 7071.