Notice Title

Summary of Exemptions Granted by the Director of Civil Aviation

Publication Date
7 Dec 2000


Civil Aviation Act Exemption notices

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Pursuant to section 37 of the Civil Aviation Act 1990, notification is hereby given of a summary of exemptions, set out in the Schedule hereto, granted by the Director of Civil Aviation.
On: 24 November 2000.
To: Air New Zealand Limited.
From the requirement in: Civil Aviation Rule 91.529 (a) that (with exceptions not applicable in this case) each aircraft shall have an automatic ELT installed, provided that each Boeing 747 and Boeing 767 type aircraft operated by
Air New Zealand Limited on international scheduled operations is equipped in accordance with the requirements of Civil Aviation Rule 91.501 (2) and 91.525.
This exemption replaces 00/EXE/28 and shall apply until withdrawn in writing by the director.
On: 28 November 2000.
To: Each Aerotek Inc (Pitts) S-1 type aircraft and each glider.
From the requirement in: Civil Aviation Rule 91.529 (a) that each aircraft shall have an automatic ELT installed.
This exemption replaces 00/EXE/38 and will remain in effect until such time as amendments proposed in NPRM 98-1 (Docket 97/CAR/1255) are published as a final rule.
This exemption shall remain in effect unless withdrawn in writing by the director.
Notice of the grant, withdrawal or denial of exemptions with full provisos is published in the Civil Aviation Rules Register Information Leaflet (CARRIL).
For the proviso, refer to issue dated 7 December 2000.
The CARRIL is available on the CAA web site [].
Exemption files may also be viewed on prior request to the Rules Registrar at the office of the Civil Aviation Authority, 1 Market Grove, P.O. Box 31-441, Lower Hutt.
Dated at Lower Hutt this 4th day of December 2000.
HILARY KEENAN, Docket Clerk.