Notice Title

Exemption from Requirements of the Code of Practice for the Attachment of Logging Bolsters to Trucks and Trailers Used in the Transport of Logs

Pursuant to Regulation 16A (1) (f) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, and pursuant to powers
sub-delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport Safety, I, Peter Waring, Principal Engineer, hereby exempt the vehicles specified in Schedule 1 of this notice from the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Attachment of Logging Bolsters to Trucks and Trailers used in the Transport of Logs, subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 2 of this notice.
Schedule 1
Vehicle Details
Make: Evans
Model: Rebuilt 4-axle trailer
VIN No.: 7ABH9000200199847
Registration No.: 7611 S
Schedule 2
1. Bolster attachments to use existing design.
2. Modifications to the existing design are not permissable.
3. This exemption will expire when required by notice in the New Zealand Gazette to be re-certified to the requirements of the Log Bolster Attachment Code.
Signed at Wellington this 26th day of September 2000.
P. WARING, acting under authority sub-delegated to me by way of an instrument of delegation dated 1 March 1999.