Notice Title

Certification of Attachments for Logging Bolsters on Trucks and Trailers Used for the Transport

of Logs
Pursuant to Regulation 16A (1) (f) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, and pursuant to powers
sub-delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport Safety, I, Peter Waring, Senior Engineer, hereby determine that the certification of the manufacture and installation of bolster attachments, in compliance with the requirements of the Code of Practice specified in Schedule 1 on trucks and trailers used for the transport of logs, is permitted to manufacturing certifiers appointed in accordance with a Deed of Appointment by the Director of Land Transport Safety. Such certification does not include the certification of the design of bolster attachments to the Code of Practice, and is not permissible unless the design of the bolster attachments has been certified by a person approved for this purpose by the Director of Land Transport Safety.
Schedule 1
Bolster Attachment Code (issue 27 November 1998) issued on behalf of the Log Transport Safety Committee.
Signed at Wellington this 11th day of July 2000.
P. WARING, acting under authority sub-delegated to me by way of an instrument of delegation dated 1 March 1999.