Notice Title

Airworthiness Directives

Publication Date
27 Apr 2000


Civil Aviation Act Airworthiness directives

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Pursuant to section 72I (3) (a) of the Civil Aviation Act 1990, and to a delegation from the Director of Civil Aviation, I, Geoffrey Neil Connor, Safety Analyst-Continuing Airworthiness, hereby issue the following airworthiness directives in respect of aircraft or aeronautical products:
DCA/AC/157 DCA/AES-AT/10 DCA/BELL407/21 DCA/CESS/172/158
DCA/CESS150/140 DCA/CESS177/28 DCA/CESS180/142 DCA/CESS182/138
DCA/CESS185/142 DCA/CESS206/140 DCA/CESS207/25 DCA/CESS210/31
DCA/CESS337/11 DCA/HIL/132B DCA/MU2/22 DCA/PA31/68
DCA/R44/16 DCA/RAD/15 DCA/S2R/3 DCA/SA226/40
DCA/CON/182 DCA/EC120/3
These airworthiness directives shall come into force on 27 April 2000.
These airworthiness directives may be viewed on the CAA web site ( or at Aviation House, 1 Market Grove, Lower Hutt, Wellington.
Dated this 20th day of April 2000.
GEOFFREY N. CONNOR, Safety Analyst-Continuing Airworthiness.