Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land Transfer Act Notice Notice is hereby given that a certificate of title will be issued in the name of the applicant under Part I, Land Transfer Amendment Act 1963, for the land in the Schedule unless a caveat is lodged forbidding the same on or before the 5th day of July 1999. Application No. 14004 (A. 362133.1, A. 396513.1) by Roger Anthony Bamford. Schedule Lot 23, Deposited Plan 112, containing 2327 square metres, being all the land in certificate of title 23/56 in the name of Thomas Tancred. Dated at the Christchurch Land Information New Zealand Office this 29th day of April 1999. The Registrar-General of Land by: MICHAEL HART, District Land Registrar.
Publication Date
3 Jun 1999

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