Notice Type
Land Notices
Declaration That Land is a Reserve Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Community Relations Manager of the Wellington Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, hereby notifies that the following resolution was passed by the Horowhenua District Council on 16 December 1998: ``That, in exercise of the powers conferred on it under section 14 of the Reserves Act 1977, the Horowhenua District Council hereby resolves that the piece of land held in fee simple known as Te Maire Park and described in the Schedule hereto, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be a reserve for recreation purposes within the meaning of the said Act.'' Schedule Wellington Land District Horowhenua District 1.0347 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1, D.P. 71514. All C.T. 39D/463. Dated at Wellington this 8th day of March 1999. JEFF FLAVELL, Community Relations Manager. (File: GB 3/100)1CL
Publication Date
18 Mar 1999

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