Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Rural Development Company (Homewood) Limited (in liquidation) Notice of Meeting of Creditors Pursuant to Section 243 of the Companies Act 1993 A meeting of creditors will be held at the offices of Smith Chilcott, First Floor, General Building, 29 Shortland Street, Auckland 1, on the 7th day of August 1998 commencing at 10.00 a.m. The business to be transacted at the meeting of creditors shall be: 1. Liquidators' Report: To consider the liquidators' report containing a statement of the company's affairs. 2. Appointment of Liquidators: To consider whether to make an application to the Court for the appointment of a liquidator in place of the liquidators so appointed. 3. Conduct of the Liquidation: To consider whether the liquidators should be asked to have regard to the views, if any, of creditors in conducting the liquidation. 4. Liquidation Committee: To consider whether a liquidation committee be appointed and, if so, to appoint the members of that committee. Dated at Auckland this 28th day of July 1998. L. G. CHILCOTT, Joint and Several Liquidator.
Publication Date
6 Aug 1998

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