Notice Type
Land Notices
Amending a Notice Notice Declaring Road to be Stopped and Land Taken, and a Notice Vesting Stopped Road in Auckland City Pursuant to section 55 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Regional Solicitor, Land Information New Zealand, Auckland: (a) Hereby amends the notice dated the 28th day of October 1994, published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 3rd day of November 1994, No. 116, page 3445, and registered in the Land Registry Office at Auckland as C. 688837.2, declaring road to be stopped and land taken, pursuant to sections 116 and 119 of the Public Works Act 1981, by adding to paragraph (b) of the operative clause after the words ``to be taken'' the words ``, but excluding from part bounded on the west by the Awaawaroa Stream, and on the east by the road, the undivided 51/100 share in all mines and minerals lying in or under the surface, (part Mines and Minerals Certificate of title 10D/188), and the said portion of Lot 1, D.P. 55388 being subject to mining easements created by Transfer A. 158143 appurtenant to the said minerals,'' and (b) Hereby amends the notice dated the 15th day of November 1994, published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 24th day of November 1994, No. 124, page 3666, and registered in the Land Registry Office at Auckland as C. 688837.4, declaring stopped road to be vested, pursuant to section 117 of the Public Works Act 1981, by adding to the operative clause after the words ``to be vested'' the words ``, but excluding from part bounded on the west by the Awaawaroa Stream, and on the east by the road, the undivided 51/100 share in all mines and minerals lying in or under the surface, (part Mines and Minerals Certificate of title 10D/188), and the said portion being subject to mining easements created by Transfer A. 158143 appurtenant to the said minerals,''. Dated at Auckland this 6th day of June 1998. R. J. SUTHERLAND, Regional Solicitor. (LINZ Ak. R.O. 67174)1CL
Publication Date
11 Jun 1998

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