Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice of Final Meeting In the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of Mrs Pope Limited (in liquidation): Notice is given pursuant to section 291 of the Companies Act 1955, that a final meeting of the contributories and creditors of the company will be held on the Sixteenth Floor, Forsyth Barr House, 764 Colombo Street, Christchurch on Friday, 11 April 1997 at 12 noon, for the purpose of: (a) Having an account laid before the meeting showing the manner in which the liquidation has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of. (b) Hearing any explanations that may be given by theliquidator. (c) Approving that the books and records of thecompany be held for a period of 1 year and thendestroyed. Proxies for the meeting must be lodged at Coopers & Lybrand (P.O. Box 13-244), Armagh Street, Christchurch, not later than 12 noon on Wednesday, 9 April 1997. Dated this 17th day of March 1997. PAUL F. LYNSKEY, Liquidator.
Publication Date
20 Mar 1997

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