Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land Transfer Act Notice The instruments of title described in the Schedule hereto having been declared lost, notice is hereby given of my intention to replace the same by the issue of new or provisional instruments upon the expiry of 14 days from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice. Certificate of title L3/709 in the names of Michael Bravenboer, horticulturist of Hastings and Alison Patricia Bravenboer, his wife and memorandum of lease 467030.4 affecting the land in certificate of title L3/709 wherein the said Michael Bravenboer and Alison Patricia Bravenboer, are the lessees. Application 651745.1. Memorandum of lease 451687.4 affecting the land in certificate of title L1/195 wherein Edward Hills, retired of Napier and Margaret Hills, his wife, are the lessees. Application 651825.1. Dated at Napier this 5th day of February 1997. B. L. SMITH, Principal Assistant Land Registrar.
Publication Date
13 Feb 1997

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