Notice Type
Land Notices
Authorisation of the Exchange of Part of a Reserve for Other Land Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, Northland Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, hereby authorises the exchange of that part of the recreation reserve described in the First Schedule hereto, for the land described in the Second Schedule hereto. First Schedule Whangarei Land District North Auckland District 2399 square metres, more or less, being part Allotment 2, Parish of Whangarei, more particularly shown in diagram ``B'' on L.T. 174191. Part certificate of title 85C/682. Situated in Block XII, Purua Survey District. Second Schedule Whangarei Land District North Auckland District 2164 square metres, more or less, being part Lot 15, Deeds Plan 532, more particularly shown as Lot 1, L.T. 174191. Part certificate of title 527/3. Situated in Block XII, Purua Survey District. Dated at Whangarei this 11th day of August 1997. G. E. ROWAN, Regional Conservator. (DOC File LRC 317)2
Publication Date
21 Aug 1997

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