Notice Type
Land Notices
Classification of Reserves Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, Canterbury, hereby classifies the reserves, described in the Schedule hereto, as local purpose (landfill) reserves, subject to the provisions of the said Act. Schedule Canterbury Land District Ashburton District 2.0234 hectares, being Reserve 4733. All New Zealand Gazette, 1954, page 833, and New Zealand Gazette, 1954, page 1434. Certificate of title 9B/1323. D.P. 17035. 2.0234 hectares, being Reserve 1447. Part Canterbury Provincial Gazette, 1874, page 35, and New Zealand Gazette, 1880, page 72. Document K. 451021/1. S.O. 1307. Dated at Christchurch this 1st day of August 1997. M. J. CUDDIHY, Regional Conservator, Canterbury. (DOC R.O. RSL 015)2
Publication Date
14 Aug 1997

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