Notice Type
Land Notices
Declaring Road (Cornhill Street) to be Stopped and Vested, Wellington City Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Warranted Officer, Regional Crown Property Services, Land Information New Zealand, Wellington, declares pursuant to sections 116 and 117 (7), those portions of road described in the Schedule hereto, to be stopped, provided however, that the portion of road first described shall be stopped above reduced level 7.00 Wellington new city datum only and the portions of road shall, when so stopped, be added to land contained in certificates of title 44D/810 and 44D/811 and vest in The Wellington City Council. Schedule Wellington Land District Area m Adjoining or passing through 218 Lots 2 and 3, D.P. 78245, Lot 1, D.P. 50568; marked ``A'' on S.O. Plan 37746. 34 Lot 2, D.P. 78245; marked ``B'' on S.O. Plan 37746. 1 Lot 3, D.P. 78245; marked ``C'' on S.O. Plan 37746. Dated at Wellington this 5th day of August 1997. B. J. FANNING, Crown Property Services. (LINZ Wn. R/O 04135)1CL
Publication Date
7 Aug 1997

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