Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land Transfer Act Notice Notice is hereby given that an application has been made for the issue of a certificate of title, pursuant to section 3 of the Land Transfer Amendment Act 1963, for the parcel of land described in the Schedule hereunder and that such a certificate of title will be issued unless a caveat is lodged with me forbidding the same on or before the 21st day of February 1997. Schedule Application No.: 360605.1. Applicant: Rosalie Barbara Higgins, widow of Nelson. Description of Land: 6897 square metres, being parts of part Section VI, Suburban South District, situated in Block IV, Waimea Survey District and now shown as Lots 1 and 2 on Land Transfer Plan No. 15927, being part of the land in certificate of title 28/296, the registered proprietors of which are Charles Yates Fell, William Rout (Junior) and Ralph Benjamin Jackson. Dated at the Land Registry Office at Nelson this 14th day of November 1996. MAURICE HIGGS, Principal Assistant Land Registrar.
Publication Date
21 Nov 1996

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