Notice Type
Incorporated Societies
Dissolution of Societies The societies listed below are no longer carrying on operations and have been dissolved, under section 28 (1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, on the 22nd day of October 1996: HOWICK-PAKURANGA ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 222311. NEW ZEALAND MOTEL FEDERATION (1993) INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 595321. NEW ZEALAND SHANGHAI BUSINESS SOCIETY INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 705132. PAKURANGA MEN'S BOWLING CLUB INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 445683. PAKURANGA WOMEN'S BOWLING CLUB INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 224920. THE NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PSYCHOLOGISTS INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 445671. THE NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSES INCORPORATED AK. I.S. 703919. PAMELA ALICE MARGARET GREEN, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
Publication Date
31 Oct 1996

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