Notice Type
Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register I intend to remove the under-mentioned companies from the Register under either section 293 of the Companies Act 1955 or section 318 of the Companies Act 1993, as applicable. I am satisfied that these companies have ceased to carry on business and there is no other reason for these companies to continue in existence. Written objections to the companies removal, specifying the grounds relied on, can be made under either section 296 of the Companies Act 1955 or section 321 of the Companies Act 1993. These must be delivered to the District Registrar of Companies at Dunedin within 20 working days of the date of this notice. <comment val=" 'We are now no longer using the company addresses or numbers for some of these notices so set 20ems"> A W SINCLAIR LIMITED DN. 148433. ATLAS TIMBER COMPANY (DN) LIMITED DN. 145983. BLACK DIAMOND MOTEL LIMITED DN. 148963. CARGILL INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED DN. 335653. CUMBERLAND MOTORS (1986) LIMITED DN. 150653. DANASH COMPUTERS LIMITED DN. 659683. DAVIS MOTOR CENTRE LIMITED DN. 146733. DRUIDS AND DRAGONS LIMITED DN. 658693. DUNEDIN CATERERS LIMITED DN. 146503. GLENTAKI EARTHMOVERS LIMITED DN. 150063. GLENURQUHART HOLDINGS LIMITED DN. 347343. HARBORNE ELECTRICS LIMITED DN. 459913. IAN H CLARK & ASSOCIATES LIMITED DN. 150493. INITIATIVE ENTERPRISES LIMITED DN. 296383. KEVIN ATKINSON ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED DN. 470903. KEVIN CROOKS LIMITED DN. 689783. MAC TODD (NO 5) LIMITED DN. 366683. MATAURA ENSIGN HOLDINGS LIMITED DN. 157013. NEWMAC SERVICE STATION (1987) LIMITED DN. 337933. PAUL HAMBLETON LIMITED DN. 263063. R.J. TAXI SERVICE LIMITED DN. 509383. RUNNING BOARD SPECIALISTS (1988) LIMITED DN. 390303. SALISBURY PROCESSORS LIMITED DN. 562493. SHELF LEDGE NO 3 LIMITED DN. 346663. TASTIES OF NZ LIMITED DN. 666483. THE BARROW BOY LIMITED DN. 660693. THE LAS VEGAS CONNECTION LIMITED DN. 686893. THYME OUT RESTAURANT LIMITED DN. 103063. TURBO AIR SERVICES LIMITED DN. 151083. Officer for Inquiries: Bronwyn Child, Commercial Affairs Division, Private Bag 1927, Dunedin. Telephone: (03) 479 2371. Facsimile: (03) 479 0762. Dated at Dunedin this 22nd day of July 1996. NEVILLE HARRIS, Registrar of Companies.
Publication Date
9 Jul 1996

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