Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Land Transfer Act Notice Notice is hereby given that an application, pursuant to sections 19 and 200 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, has been made to me for the issue of a certificate of title in the name of the below-named applicant for the parcel of land hereinafter described and that such certificate of title may be issued unless a caveat forbidding same is lodged with me on or before 7 March 1996. Application No.: 353594.1. Applicant: Ross Clifton Hillier Nisbett, farmer of Foxhill. Land: 4700 square metres, more or less, situated in Block XV, Wai-iti Survey District, being part of part Section X, District of Waimea South, being more particularly shown as Lot 1 (including accretion thereto) on Land Transfer Plan No. 17627, lodged for deposit in the Nelson Land Titles Office and being presently shown as part of the land in certificate of title 71/237, limited as to parcels (Nelson Registry) in the name of Pauline Frances Parke, tutor of Wai-iti. Dated at the Nelson Land Titles Office this 30th day of November 1995. MAURICE HIGGS, Principal Assistant Land Registrar.
Publication Date
7 Dec 1995

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