Notice Type
Pesticides Product Revocation Notice (No. 30; Ag. P.B.154) Pursuant to section 29 (4) of the Pesticides Act 1979, the Pesticides Board hereby gives notice of the revocation of the following pesticides: Product Name Registration[el]No. Grounds for[el]Revocation Effective[el]Date of[el]Revocation [rs1] Proturf 3297 Requested[el] by[el] 31.08.95 Challenge Planotox 2,4-D Ester 3755 Proprietor[el] 31.08.95 Rhone Poulenc MCPA 3757 31.08.95 Fly Killer 3816 31.08.95 Hylite 711 3914 31.08.95 Impretect 95CP 4359 31.08.95 Amiben Granular 4624 31.08.95 Dated at Wellington this 19th day of September 1995. G. DEUSS, Registrar (appointed pursuant to section 12 (2) (l) of the Pesticides Act 1979 and section 62 (1) of the State Sector Act 1988). (Ag. 154)
Publication Date
5 Oct 1995

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