Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice to Creditors of First Meeting In the matter of De Bug Industries Limited (in liquidation). Winding Up Order Made: 11 October 1993. Date and Place of First Meeting: Creditors: 22 June 1994 at 10.30 a.m. Contributories: To follow meeting of creditors. Venue: Address shown below. Officer for Inquiries: Malcolm Hollis. D. L. FRANCIS and R. J. COWLEY, as Agents for R. J. H. Grindey, Official Assignee, Provisional Liquidator. Address for Service: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Deloitte House, 61 Molesworth Street (P.O. Box 1990), Wellington. Telephone: (09) 472 1677.
Publication Date
26 May 1994

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