Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice of Last Day for Receiving Proofs of Debt Name of Company: Cowans Family Footwear Limited (in liquidation). Address of Registered Office: Care of Arthur Andersen, Level Fifteen, Arthur Andersen Tower, 209 Queen Street, Auckland. Registry of High Court: Auckland. Number of Matter: M. 1799/93. Last Day for Receiving Proofs of Debt: 31 March 1994. D. DAVIDSON and A. STONE, as Agents for the Official Assignee and Nominated Liquidators. Address for Service: Level Fifteen, Arthur Andersen Tower, 209 Queen Street, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 302 0280. Facsimile: (09) 302 3451.
Publication Date
10 Mar 1994

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