Notice Type
Land Notices
Crown Land to be Set Apart for an Isolation Strip Pursuant to section 52 (1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Acting Manager, Lands and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, Wellington, declares the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for an isolation strip and shall vest in The Hutt City Council. Schedule Wellington Land District 23 square metres, more or less, situate in the Hutt City, being Section 738, Hutt District; being balance of K. 43783. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of July 1994. M. A. KENNEDY, Acting Manager, Lands and Property. (DOSLI Wn. D.O. CL 19/47)1CL
Publication Date
28 Jul 1994

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