Notice Type
Notice of First Meeting In the matter of rule 101 of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of Target Merchandising Limited (in liquidation) (under the order for winding up the above-named company dated the 25th day of November 1993): Name of Company: Target Merchandising Limited. Address of Registered Office: Eleventh Floor, Southpac Tower, 45 Queen Street, Auckland. Registry of High Court: Auckland. Number of Matter: 1478/93. Creditors: Date: 16 December 1993. Hour: 10 a.m. Place: Smith Chilcott, Chartered Accountants, First Floor, 29 Shortland Street, Auckland. Contributories: Date: 16 December 1993. Hour: 10.30 a.m. Place: Smith Chilcott, Chartered Accountants, First Floor, 29 Shortland Street, Auckland. L. G. CHILCOTT, Agent for the Official Assignee.
Publication Date
9 Dec 1993

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