Notice Type
The following name changes have been entered on the Register of Companies. Former Name New Name CompanyNo. Date ofChange Auckland Jonel Service Limited Watmo Holdings Limited AK. 115452 08/11/93 John Sherley Building Services Limited Aquatic World Bay of Islands Limited AK. 116080 09/11/93 Steve Allen Joinery Limited Blimp Aerial Photography (NZ) Limited AK. 206884 05/11/93 Ashida Enterprises Limited Andiamo Limited AK. 405833 05/11/93 Travel Management Information Services Limited Workplace Limited AK. 515034 08/11/93 Richborough Investments Limited Allenbank Office Products Limited AK. 545419 05/11/93 Steed Securities Limited New Zealand Landfill Gas Developments Limited AK. 546015 04/11/93 Pacific Rim Travel And Tourism Services Limited Business Asia Limited AK. 576242 05/11/93 Gypsum Limited New Zealand Natural Ice Cream (NZ) Limited AK. 599833 03/11/93 Holdwell Group Thirtytwo Limited Patrose Holdings Limited AK. 609517 08/11/93 Hamilton Murupara Plumbing Co Limited Tuff Plastic Moulders Limited HN. 191962 15/10/93 Cellphone Communications Limited Watermaker International Limited HN. 194496 09/11/93 Te Rapa Computer Processing Limited Daan Properties Limited HN. 249338 08/11/93 Hamilton After Hours Medical Services Limited Anglesea Clinic Limited HN. 361047 08/11/93 Provincial Bonding (NZ) Limited Pacific Resources Company Limited HN. 428114 08/11/93 Power Link Construction Limited Powerlink Construction Limited HN. 545838 08/11/93 N. HARRIS, Registrar of Companies. Dated the 10th day of November 1993.
Publication Date
2 Dec 1993

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