Notice Title

Maori Incorporation

Omuriwaka Incorporation
Portfolio Holders
Pursuant to Part XIII of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993 and Part XIII of Te Ture Whenua Maori Incorporations Constitution Regulations Act 1995
On the 12th day of February 2003, a special management committee special management committee assessors tribunal was held at 14A Howell Street, Taneatua, where the following special resolution was passed:
Special Resolution
And whereas, pursuant to the provisions of section 253 of
Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, and in terms of the provisions of section 17 (3) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Amendments Act 1994, the constitution is hereby amended and added to by Part XII, constitutions of trusts, Regulations, Constitution, that:
"It shall be lawful for the incorporation to constitute
all divisions of each trust with the following added portfolios:
Kaitiaki Putea Trust (Banking Arm)
Section 212 of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993/1995
? Revenue (Tax)
? Auditing
? Economic Development
? Risk Management Group
? Funding
? Accident Insurance
? Fees
? Charges
? Risk Management Group
? Policy Advisor Group
Kaitiaki Whanau Trust (Marae Justice Arm)
Section 214 of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993/1995
? Courts
? Corrections
? Transport
? Marae-based programmes
? Law Society, i.e. Law Making Body
? Legislation
? Legislation Process
? Laws, Statutes, Bills (Proposed Bills)
? Risk Management Group
? Policy Advisory Group
Kaitiaki Ahu Whenua Trust (Commercial Arm)
Section 215 of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993/1995
? Environment
? Fisheries
? Ventures
? Energy
? Forestry
? Rural Affairs
? Arts, Culture & Heritage
? Land Information
? Foreign Affairs & Trade
? Foreign Affairs
? Science & Technology
? Agriculture
? Small Businesses
? Conservation
? Trade Negotiations
? Bio Security
? Environment Risk Management Group
? Policy Advisory Group
Kaitiaki Topu Whenua Trust (Internal Arm)
Section 216 of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993/1995
? Education
? Hapu Services (archives)
? Sport, Fitness, Leisure
? Health
? Social Services
? Accidents
? Employment
? Disability Issues
? Housing
? Immigration
? Risk Management Group
? Policy Advisory Group
Kaitiaki Trust (Marae Security Arm)
Section 217 of Te Ture Whenua Maori/Maori Land Act 1993/1995
? Policing
? Marae Services
? Civil Defence
? Defences
? Institutions
? Disarmament & Arms Control
? Risk Management Group
? Policy Advisory Group"
Naku noa na.
TANIA MIHINUI, Secretary/Registrar, Management Committee.
Take Notice: All portfolio holders shall activate their mandates immediately after 21 day required notification.