Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand Land Vesting Notice 2000

Pursuant to section 21 of the Maritime Transport Act
1993 (as continued in force by section 202 (3) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994) and section 24 (1) (b) (ii) of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986, the Minister of Transport gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title-This notice may be cited as the
Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand Land Vesting Notice 2000.
2. Application-This notice applies to all the land described in the Schedule.
3. Vesting-(1) The land to which this notice applies vests for an estate in fee simple in the Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand (a body corporate owned by the Crown under section 429 of the Maritime Transport Act 1994 and deemed by section 21 of the Maritime Transport Act 1993 to be a state enterprise for the purposes of Part IV of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986).
(2) The vesting effected by subclause (1) is subject to:
(a) section 24 of the Conservation Act 1987 and section 11 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991; and
(b) the condition specified in the Schedule in respect of Katiki Point.
1 Cape Saunders-All that land comprising 1561 square metres, more or less, being Section 69, S.O. 20240, Deeds Index Q. 291, Conveyance 46470.
2 Cape Egmont-All that land comprising 4518 square metres, more or less, being part Section 1, situated in Block XII, Cape Survey District, and being New Zealand Gazette, 1898, at pages 1948 and 1949 (S.O. 12626).
3 Katiki Point-All that land comprising 666 square metres, more or less, being part Section 52, situated in Block II, Moeraki Survey District, and being part of the land comprised and described in certificate of title 6D/1437 (S.O. 21285). The vesting is subject to registered lease 958206.1.
4 Waipapa Point-All that land comprising 4731 square metres, more or less, being Section 38, situated in
Block I, Otara Survey District, and being New Zealand Gazette, 1882, at page 1344 and New Zealand Gazette 1885, at page 722 (S.O. 9414).
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of June 2000.
MARK GOSCHE, Minister of Transport.