Notice Title

Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996

Hazardous Substances (Pesticides) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004
Pursuant to section 160A of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (in this notice referred to as the Act), the Environmental Risk Management Authority gives the following notice.
1 Title
(1) This notice is the Hazardous Substances (Pesticides) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004.
(2) In this notice, the Hazardous Substances (Pesticides) Transfer Notice 2004 is called "the principal notice".
2 Commencement
This notice comes into force on 1 January 2005.
3 Interpretation
In this notice, words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the principal notice.
4 Changes to hazard classifications and other matters
(1) The principal notice is amended in the manner indicated in Schedule 1.
(2) All references in the principal notice to Schedule 8 or Schedule 10 of the Hazardous Substances (Dangerous Goods and Scheduled Toxic Substances) Transfer Notice 2004 (Gazette, 2004, No 35, p 767) shall be deemed to be references to those schedules as amended by the Hazardous Substances (Dangerous Goods and Scheduled Toxic Substances) (Amendment) Transfer Notice 2004 (Gazette, 2004, No 128, p 3133).

Schedule 1
Amendments to Schedule 1 to the principal notice
Insert, for the substance "Wettable powder containing 240 g/kg amitrole, 180 g/kg bromacil and 360 g/kg diuron", "6.7B," after "6.4A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Ready to use liquid containing 5 g/litre amitrole and 9 g/litre simazine", "6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)" and "7" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Water dispersible granule containing 400 g/kg bromacil and 400 g/kg diuron", "6.7B," after "6.4A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 240 g/litre carfentrazone-ethyl", "6.1D" and insert "6.1E" after "3.1D," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 100 g/litre chlorothalonil. Also contains ethylene glycol", ", 10"after "7" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre chlorothalonil", "(Substance B)" after "chlorothalonil", in the column headed "Substance".
Insert, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 500-750 g/litre chlorothalonil", "10" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 250 g/litre chlorothalonil and 250 g/litre thiophanate methyl", ", 10" after "7" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 400 g/litre chlorpropham (Substance B)", "6.3B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Ready to use bait containing 5 g/kg chlorpyrifos", "6.5B" in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)" and "7," in the column headed "Variation code(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Water dispersible granule containing 100 g/kg cymoxanil, 50 g/kg fluidoxonil and 175 g/kg metelaxyl-m", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.1E," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 500 g/litre dicamba as the dimethylamine salt", "6.1D," and "8.3A," and insert "6.1E," before "6.3A" and "6.4A," before "6.9B" in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Ready to use liquid containing 4.4 g/litre dichlorvos and 9.6 g/litre propoxur", "6.8B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Wettable powder containing 250 g/kg diflubenzuron", "6.7B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Repeal the substance description "Wettable powder containing 75 g/kg dimethomorph and 667 g/kg mancozeb" and substitute "Granular or powder material containing 75 - 90 g/kg dimethomorph and 600 - 667 g/kg mancozeb" in the column headed "Substance".
Omit, for the substance "Liquid containing 100 g/litre diquat as the dibromide salt", "6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Water dispersible granule containing 200 g/kg flusilazole", "6.1D" and "9.1B, 9.3C" and insert "6.1E" before ", 6.3B" and "9.1C" after "6.9A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 18.5 g/litre 2-hydroxybenzoic acid as the potassium salt", "6.8B, 6.9B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 500 g/litre isoproturon with 49 g/litre ethylene glycol", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.4A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 200 g/litre methomyl", "6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 250 g/litre oxyfluorfen", "6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Water dispersible granule or wettable powder containing 750 g/kg quintozene", "6.9A" and insert "6.9B" after "6.5B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Emulsifiable concentrate containing 50 g/litre quizalofop-p-ethyl", "6.8B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Water dispersible granule containing 900 g/kg simazine (Substance B)", "6.5A," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Insert, for the substance "Soluble concentrate containing 402 g/litre sodium tetrathiocarbonate", "8.2C," after "6.9B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Omit, for the substance "Suspension concentrate containing 600 g/litre thiamethoxam", "9.1B" and insert "9.1D" after "6.9B," in the column headed "Hazard classification(s)".
Repeal the substance description "Water dispersible granule containing 750 g/kg thifensuluron-methyl" and substitute "Water dispersible granule containing 750 g/kg thifensulfuron-methyl" in the column headed "Substance".
Insert, for the substance "Water dispersible granule containing 500 g/kg tolyfluanid", "10" in the column headed "Variation code(s)".